Indian Admin


✅ Create Account
✅ Update Account
✅ Edit Bulk Opening
✅ Disable Account
✅ Delete Account
✅ Account Group
✅ Account Ledger
✅ Account Outstanding
✅ Account Balance


✅ Create Product
✅ Update Product
✅ Edit Bulk Opening
✅ Disable Product
✅ Delete Product
✅ Product Category
✅ Product Brand
✅ Product Unit
✅ Product Tax
✅ Product Location
✅ Product Duplication


✅ Create Purchase
✅ Update Purchase
✅ Disable Purchase
✅ Delete Purchase
✅ Purchase Return
✅ Purchase Order
✅ Purchase Conversion


✅ Create Sale
✅ Update Sale
✅ Disable Sale
✅ Delete Sale
✅ Sale Return
✅ Sale Quotation
✅ Sale Challan
✅ Sale Conversion
✅ GST Billing


✅ Create Receipt
✅ Update Receipt
✅ Disable Receipt
✅ Delete Receipt
✅ Multiple Mode
✅ Note Counting
✅ Cheque Status
✅ Single Remark
✅ Slip Narration


✅ Create Payment
✅ Update Payment
✅ Disable Payment
✅ Delete Payment
✅ Multiple Mode
✅ Note Counting
✅ Cheque Status
✅ Single Remark
✅ Slip Narration

Contra Entry

✅ Create Contra Entry
✅ Update Contra Entry
✅ Disable Contra Entry
✅ Delete Contra Entry
✅ Multiple Mode
✅ Note Counting
✅ Cheque Status
✅ Single Remark
✅ Slip Narration

Journal Entry

✅ Create Journal Entry
✅ Update Journal Entry
✅ Disable Journal Entry
✅ Delete Journal Entry
✅ Multiple Mode
✅ Note Counting
✅ Cheque Status
✅ Single Remark
✅ Slip Narration


✅ Create User
✅ Update User
✅ Disable User
✅ Delete User
✅ Multiple User
✅ User Permission
✅ User Security


✅ Create Firm
✅ Update Firm
✅ Disable Firm
✅ Delete Firm
✅ Multiple Firm
✅ Firm Session

Business Books

✅ Day Book
✅ Cash Book
✅ Bank Book

Financial Reports

✅ Trial Balance
✅ Profit & Loss A/c
✅ Balance Sheet

Tax Reports

✅ Tax Analysis
✅ Tax Summary

Custom Reports

✅ Serial Tracking
✅ Discount Tracking
✅ Account P&L Tracking
✅ Item P&L Tracking
✅ Stock Tracking
✅ Balance Tracking
✅ Account Analysis
✅ Item Analysis

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